SKILL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING INSTITUTE (SDTO)---a unit of Achintya Durjay Foundation Registered with Government of Haryana, Neeti Aayog, Income Tax Department under sections 12 A & 80 G as Trust which is working on unique and innovative concept to cover the gap between colleges/universities and students. We have focus to provide students applications direct to colleges and universities to assist them for admissions purpose.

We are team of professional Advocates to provide legal assistance almost in all Districts of India to our clients.

Every Educational Institute have their own budget to promote their activities and some of them pay incentives to admissions providers also. We have made arrangement of admissions with such colleges and universities which pay incentives to admission providers. We provide direct admissions to colleges with maximum incentives to counsellors.

www.sdtodl.com is online admission portal and have direct contact to various colleges and universities concerned. As soon as application is submitted by student or Agency, application is forwarded directly to concerned colleges/universities. Concerned Colleges/Universities admission cell selects the students for admission purpose and provides selection letter. If counsellor applies through www.sdtodl.com portal, he gets discount in fees to be deposited to colleges and universities. We have special arrangement of providing upto 100% Scholarship in Tuition Fees for females in Sridhar University Pilani Rajasthan. To get scholarship or discount in fees student have to appear in online scholarship test conducted by Sridhar University. Any person interested to work from anywhere, anytime of working can join as member of Bhartiya Education Counsellors Association.

We have very transparent working i.e. students/counsellors are supposed to deposit fees in their respective colleges and university only. All students are advised to deposit their fees only in concerned colleges and universities. We have no authorized agencies to collect fees in the name of colleges and universities in India or abroad.

I wish all the best to our prospective students.

Chairman, A.D. Foundation

Click here to join as a member of BECA

Why to Join Us: -

Achintya Durjay Foundation (A.D. Foundation) have presently following activities:-

Members of Bhartiya Education Counsellors Association will get the following benefits: -

  1. Income from Referring others for Admission in colleges and universities in India and abroad
  2. Data of Prospective students (T & C Apply)
  3. Admissions solutions in India & Abroad.
  4. Free Legal Advice on any issue provided by legal cell of foundation.
  5. Free subscription of Online Media (Rainbow Education Mirror).
  6. Training Centres for Job oriented courses.


For the growth of Education Counsellors and Consultants A.D. Foundation have introduced Bhartiya Education Counsellors Association.

Benefits of Joining Bhartiya Education Counsellors Association: -
  1. Membership Certificate in a award ceremony from Celebrity or by post.
  2. Authorization to run Training Centre of Skill Development Training Organization.
  3. Award to work as Expert Education Counsellor.
  4. Best Incentives in online, Distance Courses from NAAC A+ University.
  5. Legal Assistance from concerned state advocates as per requirement. .
  6. Hassle free admissions with benefit of referral income.
About Us
  • SKILL DEVELOPMENT TRAINING INSTITUTE (SDTO)---a unit of Achintya Durjay Foundation Registered with Government of Haryana, Neeti Aayog, Income Tax Department under sections 12 A & 80 G as Trust which is working on unique and innovative concept to cover the gap between colleges/universities and students. We have focus to provide students applications direct to colleges and universities to assist them for admissions purpose.

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Contact Us
  • LEGAL CELL Department,
  • Chamber No:351-A
  • District Court,Karnal,Haryana-132001
  • India Legal Cell:+91-89630-06000
  • info@sdtodl.com
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